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Gressoney Music Summer Festival - Concert by the "Musikkapelle La Lira"

Valle di Gressoney


Gressoney Music Summer Festival - Concert by the "Musikkapelle La Lira"

Gressoney Music Summer Festival - Concert by the "Musikkapelle La Lira"

Valle di Gressoney


Gressoney Music Summer Festival - Concert by the "Musikkapelle La Lira"

I mercoledì di Filmontagna - Cervino CineMountain on Tour

Valle di Gressoney


I mercoledì di Filmontagna - Cervino CineMountain on Tour

Presentazione del libro "Le Tor des petits"

Valle di Gressoney


Presentazione del libro "Le Tor des petits"

Festival of the alpine guides and of the mountain rescue

Valle di Gressoney


Festival of the alpine guides and of the mountain rescue

from 14 August to 15 August

Festival of the alpine guides and of the mountain rescue

Valle di Gressoney


Festival of the alpine guides and of the mountain rescue

from 14 August to 15 August

Helicopter flight baptism

Valle di Gressoney


Helicopter flight baptism

Market of local products at the vegetable garden in Zer Miele

Valle di Gressoney


Market of local products at the vegetable garden in Zer Miele

from 13 August to 15 August

Market of local products at the vegetable garden in Zer Miele

Valle di Gressoney


Market of local products at the vegetable garden in Zer Miele

from 13 August to 15 August

Mid-August barbecue

Valle di Gressoney


Mid-August barbecue

Mid-August barbecue

Valle di Gressoney


Mid-August barbecue

The Assumption procession and Festival of the alpine guides

Valle di Gressoney


The Assumption procession and Festival of the alpine guides